I am looking for some assistance with Raspbian Linux. Specially - I am trying to install an FTP server on one of my PIs connected to AREDN for my cameras. I started with the instructions in this link (https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/ftp.md) and it worked well. My cameras could save pics to the server. However, when I used VNC to access the PI with the PI account I could only see the pics, I could not delete them. Could anyone assist with this permissions issue? I would like to be able to review pics then delete them before the SD card fills up. Thanks in advance.
Hank / K1DOS
Hank / K1DOS
What username are you using to FTP into your Pi from the camera? Also, what directory are you using to save your pictures in?
Can you do a quick screen shot of the directory your pictures are saved in after completing the two commands
ls -lah
Hi, Hank:
Instead of using root to delete files, you could add your user account to the camera group.
sudo usermod -a -G camera_group your_username
Then give the group delete privileges; X7X.
I hope this helps, Chuck