I am looking into is there are routers that would be able to be both a 2.4ghz and 5.8 ghz node at the same time. I know many of them have dual band radio. But as see on the chat that doesn't mean you can actually use it on both bands for the mesh.
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GL-AR750 seems to have a chipset that can support 802.11ac/a/n. https://www.qualcomm.com/products/qca9887 https://openwrt.org/toh/gl.inet/gl-ar750
It might be a go device to try and experiment on. If I can figure out how AREDN's source is even formated to try and do any deving on it. (Even for just try out some odd stuff with the mesh firmware)
When you install the R11e-2HPnD card into a BaseBox5 you have a dual-band system with 4 RP-SMA's poking out of the top of your BaseBox. This would give you a dual-band system (30dBm/1 Watt each) with a single Ethernet port and single power input. The R11e-2HPnD is 30dBm 2.4GHz radio with AREDN-compatible chipset (AR9580) and should be 'AREDN-able' (I just made up a word). I don't think we can do this yet, but I'd be willing to ship Joe a R11e-2HPnD to kick it off (I assume you have a BB5 laying around).
Here are the links to make a dual-band BaseBox:
R11e-2HPnD MikroTik 802.11b/g/n High Power miniPCI-e card ($40)
Likewise any BaseBox2 can host this 5GHz Mini-PCIe card (but it only does 27dBm, so I use the BB5 as the host and R11e-2HPnD as the daughtercard):
MikroTik R11e-5HnD, High power 802.11a/n dual chain wireless card MiniPCI-e, 500mW
The advantage that the dual-radio BaseBox has is that it has the smallest physical footprint, most efficient DC-power per bandwidth usage, and allows you to cut your PoE injectors and cables and mounts in half (cost savings). It also allows you to avoid a physical DtD connection.
-Damon K9CQB