Can someone describe a method I can use to verify that the forward that I am creating in the web interface is making it to the 'guts' of the node?
Is there some command line foo that I can use to check it? I am going to keep digging, but if you know off hand that would help.
It won't respond to connections from WAN side. However, if I make a forward from WAN to the 'localnode' at port 23 for telnet, I CAN telnet to the node itself, and then ssh from the node to the pi.
I am stumped at the moment. Does the AREDN firmware have a firewall that is not allowing from WAN to LAN, and just the localnode, or should I be blaming the pi :).
KB9OIV, I'm doing just what you're trying to do for a RPi on my node (HAP lite) and it worked fine. The only difference is that I chose a non-standard port for my forward. So, the firewall rule sends traffic incoming on Port XXXX to the RPi at Port 22. I can ssh into the Pi from the WAN network at <nodeWANaddress:XXXX>.
Maybe OpenWRT has Port 22 reserved for the node itself, even if sshd isn't running?
Ben N4CV
That is a good idea, but I've already tried something like (outside port)<>(LAN port) of port 22<>port 22, and then i tried 6900<>22.
I also tried a forward for NTP server running on the pi 123<>123 for UDP/TCP and that didn't work either.
I am going to keep looking at this, it's probably something really stupid on my part.
I am running latest 'beta' firmware.
Like magic, I turned that off and it all works now :)
Well, at least I learned a lot about OpenWRT and fw3 today!