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Glendale/Peoria/West Valley

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Glendale/Peoria/West Valley
On the map, i've seen two nodes west of 7th avenue, a 2.4 and a 5.8.  How many people are planning on putting up nodes in the west valley?

Douglas Lake
West Valley
I am currently in Burbank, Ca but have a home in Sun City West that I intend to move to someday soon.  I would like to set up some 5.8 GHz AREDN nodes and possibly add to the 3.4 GHz backbone.  I'm willing to do mountaintop installs if sites are available.  Hopefully the Cactus group will be supportive.
Wayne Maynard WB6BFN
I just acquired a 5 ghz node,
I just acquired a 5 ghz node, but still trying to figure out how to install the aredn software on raspbian.
K6CCC's picture
More details please.

You are going to have to explain that question a bit more.  Not sure what you mean about installing the AREDN software on Raspbian.  You install it on the 5 GHz node - not on a Raspberry Pi.  It would be helpful if you mentioned what type of node you are trying to install the AREDN software onto.  The procedure varies quite a bit depending on what radio it is.
Oh, if you are asking about using a Pi (as opposed to a PC or MAC) to install the AREND software onto your 5 GHz node, again, we need to know what the radio type is as the procedure varies.

I'm trying to use the pi to
I'm trying to use the pi to install the aredn software onto a nanostation m5.
K6CCC's picture
Got it.
I saw your other post after I posted my question.  Can't help you as I don't what is out there as a TFTP client for Raspbian.  There are enough linux people around, someone should be able answer in the other thread.
Happy New Year!
Reach out to the newly formed
Reach out to the newly formed Arizona Mesh Organization.  They were with the Superstition ARC, but they split off.  I know that they have been asking for more nodes around the valley, not just the East Valley.  They also want to start gaining more traction across the State.

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