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Mikrotik QRT5 911G-5HPnD support

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AE6XE's picture
Mikrotik QRT5 911G-5HPnD support

The Mikrotik QRT5 flat panel device will be available in the Dec 19, 2018 Nightly Build.    While it is a bit more cost than other devices with similar performance this 5GHz device has a very low profile and relatively small foot print.   In a 12" x 12.5" x 2" (max depth) packaging, this device commands:

xmit:   30dBm
gain:   24dBi

The coverage area of this device is worth a review of the pattern for best understanding.  There is a main lobe, looks to be about 20deg wide and a few more lobes progressively closer in to give wider angle coverage.

Special thanks again to MIke K3MMB for donating this devices to AREDN Inc. for development and support use.  Thanks MIke!

A "heads up" if you try to order this device from Amazon.   The first 2 orders from Amazon resulted in the wrong part number, received the QRT5-AC model which part 97 channels are not yet ported or working on these devices.   Ordering the "911G-5HPnD" resulted in receiving the "911G-5HPacD" model.  These are listed as 2 distinctly different items to order on Amazon, but the warehouse doesn't seem to know the difference.  We had success on the 3rd try.

Joe AE6XE 

Baltic Networks usually has them. They may have one less, shortly :) Ian
QRT 5 on the air for testing

No problems installing build 586.



K9CQB's picture
I just bought a couple of these used.
I just bought a couple of these used and I'm hoping to get them loaded and working. I will likely disassemble them and photograph the boards like I do with every 'new' board I get. Then after I clean everything up a bit, I'll load AREDN on them and get these things rocking.

-Damon K9CQB
How did it go w/ your QRT?
Damon, how did it go with your "new" (used) QRTs?  I'd be interested to hear your thoughts. 73, Steve  KC0EUW
K9CQB's picture
The QRT-5 devices work great.
Those used QRT-5's that I got worked great. I really like the QRT-5 due to it's very useful form-factor. 
The QRT can be very low profile and still pack a 1 Watt (30dBm) beam and with its built-in 24dBi gain panel antenna that has a 10.5 degree beamwidth (both vertical & horizontal), which is often the perfect amount of beam for 5GHz applications.

On a side note, I'd like to acquire a QRT-2 soon to see if we can get that one 'AREDN'ed up' given that it has a powerful 35dBm radio (over 3 Watts) with a 17dB antenna. It has a fairly wide beamwidth (22 degree vertical & horizontal) so it could be used for PtMP if needed.

-Damon K9CQB
AE6XE's picture
I have a QRT 2. Had to buy a
I have a QRT 2. Had to buy a labeler to make sure I know where everything comes from. I think it is Don KE6BXT's device. Will be looking at it shortly... Joe AE6XE
K9CQB's picture
I'm imagining how many different devices you have strewn about. My wife just chewed me out today for not moving about 20 MikroTik devices to my storage unit. She does not like clutter.
I'm glad you have a QRT-2. They are not very common yet, but would be very economical given they have a built in panel antenna in such a flat package. Oh, and over 3 Watts w/17dBi antenna???!!! Whaaaaat???!!!

-Damon K9CQB
NW7OR's picture
QRT5 Output Power
For the purpose of the ARRL RF Exposure Calculator, am I correct that the output power is 1-watt? The calculator only allows entering watts, not dbm.

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