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Nano Loco upgrade from develop-172-69937359

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K5YX's picture
Nano Loco upgrade from develop-172-69937359

We have a Loco M2 that currently has firmware  develop-172-69937359.  Can this be directly upgraded to the latest sysupgrade firmware for the Loco M2 XW?

k1ky's picture
Nano Loco upgrade from develop-172-69937359
I have found that it is best to "walk" them up a few steps - at least to the next production release, (after dev-172) and then on to the latest production or nightly.  Especially when coming from pre- 3.16 versions. 3.16.2 I believe is a good stepping stone from the early stuff. 
k1ky's picture
And just to be clear, be sure to match the board revision level XM->XM or XW->XW when loading AREDN Firmware.  Don't mix them or you will brick the unit.
One good way to tell XM models usually have less than 15M of /temp and 6M of /m   XW usually have 30M+ /t and /m (with the exception of Rocket Models, which have about the same memory in their XM and XW models upwards of 30-33t and around 34-36M)
K5YX's picture
free /m and free /t both show
free /m and free /t both show total  of 61064

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