Im setting up a few nodes in my area and there is nothing else around me on the AREDN map. How do i add my nodes to the map to spur more people to do the same once i convince them to put some up as well?
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At the bottom of the Basic Setup page you will find the Mapping capability. If you have the GPS coordinates, enter them and apply them.
Otherwise you can use the Find Me and Show Map function to determine your location. Once you have entered and applied the location
settings, use the Upload data to AREDN Servers function to get your Node(s) on the map. It is pretty fast and you should see your Nodes
appear right away in most cases.
I hope this helps,
As a reminder, your node needs Internet access to be able to upload its data to the AREDN map. Natively they don't have that access, but it can be provided by adding a Mikrotik hAP AC Lite, running AREDN firmware, to the mix. Like this:
Orv W6BI
Nice diagram - well done, explains the incredible value of using the Swiss Army Knife MikroTik model. You might want to also show that, unless you are using that 2.4 for inside mesh connections, you would need to turn off the 2.4Ghz (mesh) RF in that device in most cases, so that you don't have a duplicate path to the DtD external node (or any others) if it's also 2.4, and so that you can use 2.4 as an option for your local AP as shown in your diagram.
- Don - AA7AU
Andre, K6AH
IIRC, MikroTik documentation suggests an approx 2V drop from POE-in to POE-out (DtD port). Of course, due to Joe's great programming on this, the POE-out is available as an On/Off toggle in the Advanced settings.
- Don - AA7AU
I was typing my post quickly - sorry I *meant* the entire team of AREDN developers does a *fantastic* job. Guess I was focusing on my email conversation with Joe awhile back about the Swiss Army Knife features. Transient problem existed between chair and keyboard (must have been the result of that ~2V drop).
Apologies to all,
- Don - AA7AU
(I'm just messin' with y'all)!