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Ubiquiti airGrid AG-HP-5G23

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KI7CC's picture
Ubiquiti airGrid AG-HP-5G23

We are attempting to establish a 5.8 GHz MESH Network in South Central Idaho.  We purchased 4 new Ubiquiti airGrid radios.  The maximum range we are able to get from them is about 2 miles.  We have them programed for channel 176, 25 mile range, and maximum power output,  We are sure that we had a line of sight path.  Is this a bad radio?  Are we missing some information.  We have the latest AREDN Firmware installed for this model of radio.   We need to establish links of up to 40 miles.

k1ky's picture
Ubiquiti airGrid AG-HP-5G23
I have successfully made 30 mile hops with the 28dbi version.  You may be pushing it with this model for a 40 mile hop.  Also, you really should use dual polarity for path stability.  Suggest looking at the PowerBeam of possibly the Microtik LHG models.  Single polarity doesn't offer weather resistance for path fading as well as the dual polarity modes.
k1ky's picture
Ubiquiti airGrid AG-HP-5G23 II
Also, you will want to run 10MHZ Bandwidth instead ot 20MHZ for these distances.  Set your distance parameter to a little bit more than the actual path distance.
KI7CC's picture
airGrid Performance.
   Thank you for the rapid response.  I think we might also check out the Fresnel Zone clearances. Thanks-- Dean

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