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How to send Winlink with just a PC and a Mesh Node

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How to send Winlink with just a PC and a Mesh Node
I have a laptop with RMS express ,  a windows 10 pc not being used for anything , a network switch , an NSM2 with an RF neighbor and an internet tunnel connection ( as a client ).   I want to be able to send a winlink email to the outside world using this equipment.  Is there any hardwdare I am missing ? What would I need to install on the spare pc ( to be a dedicated "server" ) ?
AE6XE's picture
kk4hpy,  you have the basic
kk4hpy,  you have the basic setup to use winlink.   Your switch would need to support 802.1q to access the internet via your NSM3, but this is not required, it is one of multiple options in using winlink.

Option 1:  P2P across the mesh network (no internet).   Configure Winlink Express to send email direct to other Winlink Express users over RF on the mesh network.  Configure the "Telnet P2P" session and "add station" to define how to send the email to a remote station.  They can do the same to send back email to you.  You would "open session" for tenet P2P and leave Winlink Express running and ready to receive your email.
Option 2:  Mesh network postoffice mail server (no internet) .   Install RMS Relay on a computer on the mesh network.  Configure all Winlink Express clients to send/receive email using "telnet P2P".  The RMS Relay computer is storing email and the intended user retrieves it when their ready to do so  
Option3:   Winlink CMS:   This requires an internet gateway on the AREDN mesh network.   Configure Winlink Express and open Sesion using "Telet Winlink".  This will reach out to the internet and send the message via the Winlink Common Message Server (CMS) on the internet. This will also retrieve your winlink messages sent to you via the CMS path.  Requires at least one mesh node on the AREDN network to be a "mesh gateway".
Option 4:  Combination Option 2 and 3.    The RMS Relay computer could be on a mesh node that has an internet connection, but do not advertised as a "mesh gateway", meaning there is no internet access for everyone on the mesh network.  This computer can still forward and retrieve email from the Winlink CMS.   It gives everyone on the mesh access to the Winlink CMS mail servers on the internet (communication to the world), but does not open up the mesh network to have other access to the internet.  I've not tested this option yet, but should work.

IP help

I'm attempting to set up Telnet P2P on two laptops that are not close to each other. Using AREDN. Which of all the IP addresses do I select? Not IP or IT smart. at all. Thanks in advance.

K6AH's picture
Use the CMD window...
The easiest way is to open the Command Prompt (enter "CMD" in the Search window in the Task Tray).  Then type the command "ipconfig".  Look for the IPv4 Address.

Andre, K6AH
i knew how to do that but wasn’t sure which IP. Selected the MESH one 
and have that working connecting between the laptops. 
Now can’t get the system to send anything in the outbox. 
Oh well I’ll get it. 
K5DLQ's picture
it will be a 10.x.x.x address
it will be a 10.x.x.x address on one of the interfaces on your laptop(s).
Pier to pier across mesh. IP address.
how do I find the up address I need in order to send a email using Winlink express.
i’ve been on the Mt. Wilson AREDN net for a few months. now from the South Bay.
I am able to run Winlink express winmore successfully from my ic-7300 on HF on open internet.
I loaded it on a laptop.  I have a local WiFi connection from the laptop to my mesh nodes, using a hapac. 
I guess I need to know someone on the AREDN WILSON mesh that also has Winlink Express and their ip address.  Correct?
thanks.  Ron.  Ag6st. Torrance
Pier to pier across mesh - more
I know about ipconfig. I see my ip v4 address. So in the “add statio” window, is that for my ip? Or an ip that I need to get from a different location person with Winlink express?  I assume it means the ip for the station I want to contact.
ag6st.  Torrance
K5DLQ's picture
If you create an advertised
If you create an advertised service in AREDN and name it WL2K, then Winlink should be able to discover it automatically.  Check the Winlink docs on this feature as it was written specifically for AREDN integrations.
Winlink express ip p2p stations?
Hi joe,
how do I send you a message in Winlink express?
do I need your IP address?
are you on the AREDN net. My Wilson?
ron. Ag7st
AE6XE's picture
Ron,  I haven't been running
Ron,  I haven't been running my winlink client recently -- I keep re-building my nodes working on the firmware and changing service advertisements :) .    I'll look to run the winlink client tonight,  will be at IP address   (I just tried now, but got an error.)    The Mt Wilson to Orange County link is marginal and wasn't usable when I checked a couple days ago -- other discussions to work this issue.   However, there's a tunnel patch cord somewhere because I'm seeing nodes on the otherside.

Winlink Express to Mt. Wilson SW

Hi Joe,
OK, thanks for the reply.
It looks like Mt.Wilson SW is down.  That would be the only way I could connect to you, so I'll need to wait to see if it comes up.
Then I'll give it a try again!  Is there a list or a way to tell who has Winlink on the mesh?  IP addresses?  It looks like when I start winlink express and set start, it seems to be listening for any winlink activity. I need to create an advertised (on my AG6ST-2 node Mikrotik), service in AREDN and name it WL2K.   That is with my laptop connected to the hapac lite on wifi to my mesh nodes.  So perhaps if I Ieave that running, folks can tell that my node is available to send emails?
Strange that I don't see any messages about Mt. Wilson SW being doow on the AREDN forum.
ag6st  ron...

W6GSW's picture
Mesh status lists many Winlink resources

Look at your mesh status page for the Southern California mesh.  A number of nodes display something similar to "WL2K P2P".  This of course requires that the other station keeps a computer connected with Winlink Express runnig.

Alternately you can connect with one of the mesh-enabled gateways to access the Winlink system.  Then the recipient can access their Winlink messages at any time, using any connection method.

LAECT advertises a Winlink gateway on our node KA6ECT-ARHP-76-210-212.local.mesh.  In mesh status we advertise the gateway's IP address as .  Access the gateway using this IP address and oe of the Telnet sessions.  There are several similar gateways available on the Southern California mesh.

ARESLAX Northeast conducts a digital net every Thursday night at 2100 hours.  These nets generally alternate between practicing Winlink peer-to-peer and NBEMS.  Voice check in on 145.525 MHz.  Depending upon who is on, Winlink peer-to-peer could include packet, VARA FM or mesh.

w6bi's picture
Mt. Wilson SW back up
As of 1 p.m. Pacific today, the Mt. Wilson SW node is back up (after a repair visit by AJ6BL and K6MJU)

Orv W6BI

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