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I missed something

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KD7DHO's picture
I missed something
I think I missed something.  I tried to load the firmware onto the nanostation m2xy using the method I used to do with bullet m2s.  I didn't get an upload bar when I tried to upload the firmware as in times past (it's been a while since the last time I tried).  I read through the procedure that this site provided.  I'm not sure I'm up to speed with the telnet and the TFTP format.  I have enabled them on the laptop I'm using.  Why didn't the old method not work?

Thank you!
AE6XE's picture
David,  What version of AREDN
David,  What version of AREDN were you running prior to the upgrade attempt?    The behavior of the upload would be in that version.   How upload behaved changed under-the-hood, as necessary when mikrotik hardware was introduced, but that's been since 2018 timeframe, not sure if your version is before/after.   If the device does not respond after a powercycle at this point, then a fresh upload following the tftp procedure should do the trick.  

KD7DHO's picture
Trying to load firmware onto new nanostation
Hi Joe,
I was trying to load firmware onto a nanostation with no previous version.  The airOS version was 6.7.0 or thereabouts. Since I posted here I've learned that I'd have to find multiple older versions of airOS to get it back to version 5.5.  I haven't uploaded firmware onto a new ubiquiti device for a few years, so to find out the old process doesn't work, means I have to pick up a few new skills in order to help myself and my group, most of whom wouldn't be tech savvy enough to do the job.  According to the instructions I need to flip on the tftp and telnet switches on the machine I'm using.  I also have to use a dummy switch between the laptop and the nanostation.  Then, I have to run a command prompt  with a line of syntax and push the reset on the nanostation for 30 to 40 seconds until the 4th light is a steady green.  I never really grasped the commands and syntax for dos, so I'm a bit hesitant and wishing there was a youtube that goes slow enough so I can get it right without creating a nanobrick.  I can no longer get around that method, so I got to go through it.  I may have club members that could help, but the other issue is time and a syncing of schedules in order to do it.

I'll keep looking for some tutorial to help me through it. The instructioins provided on arednmesh is fine.  I just need more experience doing what it's asking.  Also, would an older wifi router work as a dummy switch?  If not, then, I'll order one of the options mentioned.

Thank you, Joe!

AE6XE's picture
David,   AirOS requires
David,   AirOS requires signed firmware, so won't accept AREDN firmware now days.    The most efficient path is to directly tftp upload AREDN frimware.  It is 1 tftp process.   You'll go through many uploads, to get it downgraded to only use the AirOS upload process, maybe 4+, as AirOS uploads don't allow a jump back more than 1 or 2 releases.  The sequence of firmware versions needed, might not be findable. 

Joe AE6XE 
AE6XE's picture
An older wifi router could
An older wifi router could work as a dumb switch, if using only the LAN ports on the device.  But this would need another special setting on that device to turn its DHCP server off -- called bridge mode.  It can work without a switch, be sure a direct cable is plugged between the Ubiquiti and the laptop.   The laptop needs to have the static IP set and powered on, BEFORE holding the reset button and powering on the Ubiquiti.   Might have to fiddle with it a little.

KD7DHO's picture
Something I just found
I just found the more specfic instructions on this site.  I didn't see it before.  Am I getting old and senile?  From that description it looks like I can direct connect to the nanostation.  Hopefully, my earlier attempts didn't brick the device.  It kept giving me the message to be sure I'm using the correct file.  Of course, the file didn't load.  I'll give that a shot when I get a moment.
KD7DHO's picture
Update to trying the tftp method, this time with a rocket m2
I've hit another snag.  After the help I got from this forum last June, plus from WB6YOK and K7BBR in my club, I was able to load the firmware onto two nanostations, so thank you!  I now have an m2 Rocket (MW) that I've tried the TFTp method to upload AREDN firmware. I followed the instructions by checking out the version with the on the AIR OS connection. I put the unit into TFTP mode with the 45 second pushing of the reset button, and using the TFTP on my Windows 10 laptop (both of them).  I used the proper command string to upload, but got the message "connect request failed."  Am I sunk regarding this Rocket?  I tried setting my connection to;;; but got the same message.  I appreciate your feedback.
AE6XE's picture
clarify, there are 2 images
clarify, there are 2 images and 2 different Rockets.   The "XM" (AR92xx chipsets) and "XW" (AR93xx chipsets).     Maybe typo of "​Rocket (MW)"...


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