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Nanostation M2/M5 Mimo firmware flash error

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Nanostation M2/M5 Mimo firmware flash error

Hi All,

new to AREDN and just getting started. I have a few Ubiquiti nanostations... M2 M5 Mimo devices.
I tried to flash one last night via tftp and was not successful.

I received this error: Error on server : Firmware check failed

I followed the instructions that are posted on this site.
The device is in the right mode, 1,3 & 2,4 lights flashing alternately

This is the command line I'm using: tftp -i put c:\temp\aredn-

I am guessing I am using the wrong firmware.

This is what I downloaded: NanoStation M2 (XW), NanoStation M5 (XW) firmware.

Any assistance pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.

K6CCC's picture
Which radio version?
Are these XW radios or XM radios?
I'm not sure, does this
I'm not sure, does this picture help?
Image Attachments: 
K6CCC's picture
No.  Connect to the radio

No.  Connect to the radio running the normal UBNT firmware and look at the system page.  Look at the firmware version.

Image Attachments: 
Ok that was the issue, wrong
Ok that was the issue, wrong firmware. It was XM not XW.

Thanks for pointing that out..

I also have an older nanostation 2

Original firmware is: XS2.ar2316.v3.5.4476.091013.1749

Now to see if they support that one!

K5DLQ's picture

"I also have an older nanostation 2
Original firmware is: XS2.ar2316.v3.5.4476.091013.1749
Now to see if they support that one!"

Answer:  never.

that device only has 4MB of flash storage.
(the AREDN sysupgrade files are about 5.7MB, so...)

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