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GL-USB150 Failure

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KD1HA's picture
GL-USB150 Failure
Updating the GL-USB105 from Nightly build 942 to 948. I tried several times to update and each time it went though the motions but at the end it remained build 942 no warnings just came up with 942. I removed the stick to try a different computer and that is the last time it booted. It will not reset and the only sign of life is a momentary green led when it's plugged in. So the question is will a TFTP restore it or is there another procedure? Not much I can find on this topic.
I know that some may think that I disconnected power before the firmware was completed but that is not the case. The reason I wanted to update was I needed the tunnel and the 942 was replaced by 948 and getting the tunnel software requires the 948 tunnel software and never got that far.

K5DLQ's picture
The USB150 doesn't have a WAN
The USB150 doesn't have a WAN port, so, you cant do tunnels anyway.
KD1HA's picture
Can't do anything in this
Can't do anything in this condition!
AE6XE's picture
Connect the USB150 to a mesh
Connect the USB150 to a mesh network on 2GHz RF.  If that mesh network has an internet gateway, then you can install tunnels.  (Do you have an hAP ac lite nearby?)

No WAN Interface?

So, if the host PC has internet connection, is there no way to share it with the USB150 node?  My use case would be to carry the USB150 with a laptop, and use the Tunnel Client to connect to a Tunnel Server to access my local mesh network while traveling.  I don't have the USB150 yet so just confirming its capabilities and limitations.

AE6XE's picture
You would have to implement
You would have to implement vlan 1 on the host computer to pull out the WAN from the USB150.  This is advanced networking and different depending on the OS in use.    Here's another (easier) option:

configure the USB150 to connect to the hotel or home network with the WAN wifi client, and install the tunnel client (need the nightly build image for this, not in

1) Turn off mesh RF (uncheck the box next to 'enable') and save.
2) Under the WAN section, enable the wifi client and enter in the SSID and password of the AP to connect to, reboot.
3) After the WAN connects, then generally in the hotel you need to bring up a browser and enter the room #, password login.  You might need to figure out the direct pathname, if the browser doesn't get redirected, to log into the hotel's network.
4) After setting up the wan wifi client and connected the first time, go into the tunnel UI page and click to install the tunnel features.  This assumes success in accessing the internet.
5) configure the tunnel client to connect to your QTH or other tunnel server.  Test, good-to-go.

Note, if you do this on an hap ac lite with 2GHz and 5GHz, use 1 as the wan wifi-client, the other for a LAN AP on the mesh.   There  can be many devices in the hotel room both cat5 and wireless access to the hAP ac lite, and the hotel only sees this as one device, the MAC of the hap AC Lite.   You only log-in to the hotel wireless once, then can have all 10 of your devices connected with no further authentication.

K5DLQ's picture
I haven't tried it yet, but,
I haven't tried it yet, but, here is the GL.iNet docs to do a recovery:
KD1HA's picture
Thanks Joe and Darryl,

Thanks Joe and Darryl,

I have an hAP running but my USB150 is not booting up at all. I have tried the above link without success. I also tried TFTP  also a dead end. I get the flashing LEDs but...

Update: After another try I did manage to "unbrick" the USB150 with Darryl's link.
Thank you, 

K5DLQ's picture
glad you got it working.   
glad you got it working.    What did you do differently to get to the recovery web page?
KD1HA's picture
I originally chose Nightly Build 942
The recovery page came up only after I used instead of the first time but .2 worked the on seconded round. I originally chose Nightly Build 942 for the recovery as it had before the cash. For whatever reason it didn't work so I then went with the first build I used 902 and it accepted that build. I know that selecting a previous build is a bad idea with NBs but I figured it wasn't working anyway and no warnings were issued! I have updated to 948 and it is working well.

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