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Just to be sure, locked does not mean locked. Right?

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Just to be sure, locked does not mean locked. Right?

I am looking at the LDF5 sold by Microcom and their webiste says "The device comes preinstalled with RouterOS and is ready to use.LDF 5 US (USA) is factory locked for 5170-5250MHz and 5725-5835MHz frequencies. This lock can not be removed."  It's mostly the word "locked" that is bothering me.

Considering the pile of gear/junk I have sitting in my garage (LinkSys WRT54 and various 2.4GHz antennas), that were listed in older HamNet site, I just want to be sure I'm not buying more gear/junk for my pile and instead have something I can proudly display on my roof.


phil - WA6HOO!

w6bi's picture
Not locked for AREDN
That lock is within the Ubiquiti AirOS firmware.  Once it's replaced, the AREDN firmware controls the radios' parameters - you're good to go!
Orv W6BI
Thanks Orv.  I just wanted
Thanks Orv.  I just wanted some assurance that I wasn't wasting more money.

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