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DNS issue

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w6bi's picture
DNS issue
This probably isn't an AREDN software issue, but I need some assistance.

I'm struggling to find the root cause of long DNS lookup times on several Raspberry Pis on our network.  Each uses a local node as its DNS server.
The DNS actually works, but is very delayed.    I've disabled IPv6 on the RPIs, which didn't help.   Here's the resulting /etc/resolv.conf on one the RPIs:

# Generated by resolvconf
domain local.mesh

But when I do a host command, it takes 20 seconds to finish:
pi@gnb-rpi:~ $ time host w6bi-shack-pc
w6bi-shack-pc.local.mesh has address
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

real    0m20.208s
user    0m0.090s
sys     0m0.000s

What DNS service could the RPI be waiting for?


Orv W6BI
DNS Server on Raspberry Pi
Hi Orv,
Do you already have a DNS server on your Pi? See link below.
I'm considering firing up one of my old Pi3's and get it connected to AREDN.
We have a short 2.4 Ghz hop between me and AB6UI 1 km away with good SNR. He has a Pi camera running and it is very slow to respond.  Maybe same issue?
w6bi's picture
local DNS server
After I posted that it occurred to me that I hadn't checked for a local server.  I'll look tonight when I get home.

Orv W6BI

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