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SNMP on new release, again.

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w6bi's picture
SNMP on new release, again.
I've installed the new SNMP package (snmpd-opkg) on a node (a Mikrotik, if that makes any difference).
I copied /etc/config/snmpd-opkg to /etc/config/snmpd and removed snmpd-opkg
On inspection it looks like the new /etc/config/snmpd config file should work right out of the box, unless I missed something.

Then I did
./etc/init.d/snmpd enable
./etc/init.d/snmpd start

It returns to the prompt with no error.  However, doing an snmpwalk of the node ( snmpwalk -v1 -c public <nodename> system ) times out, and doing ps | grep snmp reveals that the daemon isn't running.

AM I doing something wrong?

Orv W6BI
AE6XE's picture
The pre-existing /etc/config
The pre-existing /etc/config/snmpd is delivered with AREDN firmware.  flip back the config file.   I did a package refresh and install of the snmp package.   I didn't do any other steps on the hap lite, and was able to do the snmpwalk (with out 'system' paramenter at the end) and got back a bunch of info.  
w6bi's picture
Where'd it go?
Having installed snmpd on my Mikrotik, I went to install it on a couple of other nodes, but no longer see the snmpd package in the list of available packages, even after refreshing. What am I doing wrong??  
AE6XE's picture
The package in the
The package in the release is located here:

It's not unique to the model #, rather to all mips_24kc cpu's (which includes ubnt, tplink, and mikrotik).    Can't think of a reason why other models would not find it at the same location.  If you are doing the nightly build, make sure you have the current build #.   If the firmware is an older version,  maybe snmp is installed already?

w6bi's picture
Released code
All the nodes I'm trying are on the released code.   I'll attach a copy of the refreshed package management, and the available package manifest.
Image Attachments: 
I Refreshed a 3.18.9 node with a previously un-refreshed (empty) list and libnetsnmp 5.7.3-9 and snmpd 5.7.3-9 both show up ok. Is there a way to clear out the cache and try again? deleting /tmp/opkg-lists and /var/opkg-lists doesn't seem to clear it even after reboot.
AE6XE's picture
After a reboot if you still
After a reboot if you still see the selection in the browser, it is likely because the browser side is still caching it.   Clearing the browser cache should resolve.   If you attempted the selection and download, you'll receive an error as the mesh node side no longer has the definitions.  
w6bi's picture
No joy yet
So cleared Firefox's cache - no different.
Fired up Chrome, which I never use on the mesh network.  Same negative results.
I'll keep researching it.
w6bi's picture
Found the issue
Supplementing basic MIBs

Installed snmp packages o​n the latest nightly build and was exploring the available content.  There are almost 900 different values in the MIB tree, but only a few of them provide useful information -- mainly a subset of the Interface metrics as well as a couple of the Host Resources metrics.  It would be quite a bit of effort to add node/RF info to the existing agent code.  I was hoping for some RF metrics, so created a separate poller that grabs RSSI and SNR (just for now) and populates the NMS.  I'm attaching a screenshot showing some of the NMS graphs so far.  Next steps: automate node discovery in the NMS, and supplement with more node information (probably from olsr).

AE6XE's picture
The node's network and
The node's network and wireless metrics will be on different linux interfaces depending on the device.   There is a way to determine the interface on a device for WAN, LAN, and DtDLink by inspecting the /etc/config/network config file.    Maybe there is a way to handle this on the server side, so that every client could get the metrics of WAN, LAN, and DtDlink without having to know which physical interface it maps to.?

Joe AE6XE    
W2GMD's picture
Hey KC0EUW, Would you mind
Hey KC0EUW, Would you mind sharing the poller you created for RSSI and SNR, as well as let us know which NMS you're using?
Mesh node perf trending

Greg W2GMD,
  I've been using Zabbix but you can use any "historian" to visualize node performance. I use Zabbix because it's easy for an external polling program to insert values into their database, and after that everything happens auto-magically. I'm really not much of a programmer so I'm just using a shell script, but you can use any programming language you're comfortable with. Currently my poller "screen scrapes" the values from the Node Status page, but screen scraping is not a very reliable approach. The right approach is to use the sysinfo API which will remain consistent into the future. The disadvantage is that nodes with an api_version less than 1.7 won't have the RF info. Values are returned as JSON, so your favorite JSON parser can grab the values and zabbix_sender inserts them into Zabbix.
  One important comment here:  Be careful which nodes you poll, how many metrics you query, and how often you retrieve them. It's best to limit polling to only those critical backbone or relay nodes that form the "spine" of your network. Also poll those selected nodes using a device that sits directly on that spine. Make sure you ask permission from the node owners before you start polling them.

K5DLQ's picture
sysinfo.json returns JSON,
sysinfo.json returns JSON, not XML....

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