Hello, my name is Bryson and my callsign is KM6YMM and am new to this meshing technology but have the knowledge. I was wondering if there is anyone in Tracy, CA using AREDN. I have a node setup relatively close to the center of town. I saw on the map that there is a node on Mt. Oso but have no idea which way the antenna is directed towards. Any help or replies is appreciated.
Bryson, KM6YMM
Hi Bryson,
The map at http://usercontent.arednmesh.org/K/5/K5DLQ/livemap2.html shows 2.4 GHz nodes in Livermore, Pittsburg, and Lodi. If you click on the node icons, popups give you details including channel and SSID. There are probably other nodes in your area that the operators have not put on the map. That is what I am finding in Colorado. This weekend I am going to roam with a portable setup to see how many nodes I can find.
Welcome to AREDN. There are actually three nodes up on Mt. Oso providing coverage from Lathrop down to Merced. Tracy might not be covered but if you go mobile you could connect to a 5.8 Ghz 10Mhz wide node on channel 164 called W6BXN-M5-NorthSector-Oso.
The SJV-Mesh group is on Facebook. Join us. Adding a fourth node up there has not been discussed but you could start by mentioning the idea.
You should plan on attending a meeting at either the Turlock Amateur Radio Club or at the Merced ARES group one day, shake a hand and introduce yourself.
W6BXN.org is first place to look.
We have an extensive mesh island in the Central Valley with close to 20 nodes plus redundant relays. Coverage from wall to wall including Mariposa. I know we have a member in Manteca that is connected.
Uh, oh.
One concern with all of the higher frequency bands is that there must be clear line of sight between the nodes on each side of the link.
I hope this helps,
I’ve verified those channels and bandwidths. The SJV Mesh group is built and owned by W6BXN.org Turlock Amateur Radio Club. Their Repeater system alone is probably the most sophisticated I’ve ever seen and the Mesh island not far behind. For a club with less than 100 members that’s gotta say something. Donating a radio isn’t needed. Getting to know the people who make things happen there is required. Ya I know it’s a little old school but expecting someone to drive 1 hour up a 3,352 ft mountain, climbing an 80 foot tower and stringing up more double shielded Cat5 takes a little more than just expecting it to happen because you live close by. The Stanislaus ARES group and Merced ARES group are the meetings you should start attending. Introduce yourself. Ask a question. Figure out how and where to Get involved. That’s what makes Amateur Radio so much fun.
I think your building your own mesh island (starting with two stations) is a huge step in the right direction. Start with building your stations using the 5.8 Ghz band as the backbone and if needed, 2.4 Ghz as local coverage and access points. Build a mobile station you can drive out to an open area. Two years ago I was totally new to the area and knew nothing. Some argue that that hasn’t changed much except I got a radio now.
I am coming late into this thread and hope you have made progression linking up your nodes?
Bob, N6TCE
Im expecting to have coverage later this month up on mt Diablo. If you have a site with unobstructed LOS over to mt Diablo and a directional dish. You will need something like a LHG hp5 or AF-5G30-S45 (30dBi) or more to hit mt Diablo from Tracy. If you have a site it mind that has LOS I would donate an antenna to the link, It will need a rocket M5.