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Rocket M2 v6.0.7 Downgrade Issues

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Rocket M2 v6.0.7 Downgrade Issues

I currently have a UBNT Rocket M2 running AirOS v6.0.7 and have not been successful in getting it downgraded to a firmware version that supports AREDN.  I even tried the 6.0.6 beta firmware, but the Rocket will not accept this as it is v6.0.7.  Does anyone have a firmware path that will enable the device to downgrade? Thanks

K5DLQ's picture
Easy.  Load the AREDN nightly
Easy.  Load the AREDN nightly build for the rocket (or rocket-xw, depending on your exact model) via the TFTP load procedure.  (about 1/3 of the way down the page)
I was able to finally get
I was able to finally get both the Rocket M2 and NSM2 that were running v6.0.7 flashed to the current ARDEN release version via the v6.0.4 --> v5.6.15 --> v5.5.11 firmware path, yay! 

I had to use the nightly build method to flash a NSM3 that would not take any of the UBNT firmware via TFTP.  Will there be any issues using the nightly build on that device in an AREDN- network?  Would it be best to TFTP the unit with the current stable release firmware, AREDN-

K5DLQ's picture
You cannot "downgrade" to any
You cannot "downgrade" to any AREDN version prior to the nightly builds IF you had AirOS 5.6+ on it initially. 
in other words, if you had AirOS 6.x on it and loaded the nightly, YOU SHOULD NOT load AREDN on it.
AREDN loaded onto NANOSTATION M2, but it wants a User and PW
I bought this used and was able to set up the static IP and run the test.  Came back GOOD GOOD, so I went to the AirOS, logged in and uploaded the AREDN Factory firmware.  All was good until I tried to SETUP and it asks me for a Username and Password.  I tried the AirOS but no go,  Tried my AREDN log on NO GO.  Any ideas?
K6AH's picture
The "first-boot" setup user
The "first-boot" setup user/pw are root/hsmm.
Rocketm2 6.1.5xw
I have tried to download the nightly for this unit and it says sent but never reboots
From the nightly page it said to use loco-m-xw version for the M2
any thoughts on what I maybe doing wrong?

AE6XE's picture
As of today, the download
As of today, the download link and image to use is:

Confirm this is the image used for the tftp?  

Thanks I will give a try
Thanks I will give a try tonite
I downloaded the File and
I downloaded the File and tried again no luck . I am missing something just don;t know what. I am on a win 10 pc so the tftp commands listed slight different however I can see the file was put on .20 file size matches

K5DLQ's picture
Is your Nanostation M2 an "XM

I'm confused.  There are two different devices being discussed in this thread.  Rocket and a Nanostation.  If you have a Nanostation, is it an "XM" or "XW" model?   I suspect that if is rejecting the loco-m-xw file, then, it may be an "xm" model.  Is so, you should use the bullet-m file as noted in the readme.

Let us know if this is the case or not.

Good luck!
K5DLQ - Darryl

Sorry it is a Rocket2 xw with

Sorry it is a Rocket2 xw with airvos 6.1.5 I was following 

Rocket M2 XW loco-m-xw 64Mb stable
AE6XE's picture
KF4HJW,   any luck yet? 

KF4HJW,   any luck yet?   Tricks often used:

1) have a (dumb) switch that both the laptop and device plug into.  It keeps the ethernet link up on both devices all the time.
2) after the tftp image is "sent", in binary mode, and there are no errors. Then, put the laptop back into DHCP mode and look to see if it is getting an IP address.     
3)   When node is changing around with various IP addresses and/or rebooting, I often pull the cable on the laptop for 5 seconds and plug back in, to drop the Ethernet link and force it to set back up on the laptop.
4)  If the device has had various older versions of AirOS attempted to load, and older versions of AREDN attempted, then do this procedure to clean up the bootloader settings:

  1. tftp load a recent AirOS version and boot it.   If this does not succeed and run AirOS, then a proceedure issue or it is soft-bricked (and can be recovered). 
  2. From the AirOS UI, upload another AirOS version, could be the same version. This step can clear up a lot of things.
  3. Now try the AREDN nightly build version and tftp the factory version.


Yes Thanks I went to the
Yes Thanks I went to the Ubiquiti site and they showed only holding reset for like 8 seconds instead of 30-45 as indicated on AREDN site so I tried and it took the firmware right away.  

AE6XE's picture
We'll look to clarify the
We'll look to clarify the instructions.   I think the key criteria is to hold the reset at power on until the lights flash to indicate it is in tftp mode.    Glad it is resolved.


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