The build as of today, Feb 7, 2019, is on top of OpenWrt 18.06.2 from before was 18.06.1. The OpenWrt point release occurred a week ago. Please proceed in using the Nightly Build images with extra caution, don't install at hard to reach tower sites until more models and devices are confirmed. There's a big list of bug fixes, security fixes, and more:
Please use on a variety of models and devices and post results here.
Please use on a variety of models and devices and post results here.
Good news but can we please keep the old nightly builds around for a while, until this soaks in?
Andre, K6AH
Orv W6BI
They strive to have a major release each year and historically will have up to a handful of follow on point releases.
AREDN strategically seeks to release shortly afterwards, but minimum timing is on the order of weeks to have confidence in the stability. It is certainly the intent to do a release soon, but until there is sufficient feedback from the community on the stability of the nightly build, it would be presumptuous to provide timing. Yea, the AREDN team is discussing...
I have '692' loaded and running on
NanoStations M3 (2)
" M5 XW (2)
" M9 (1)
NanoBridge M9 (1)
and Mikrotik LHG XL HP5.
:-) Thanks. Chuck nc8q
Thanks for pushing the art forward, Joe!
Orv W6BI
Ran the Nightly Build update on two nodes which had been running fine on stable: results: one a success, one a disaster:
A) Rocket M2: from; had tunnel installed but not active nor enabled; had MeshChat v1.02 installed(*) - all running fine. Downloaded 692 to local laptop, did not de-install MeshChat, uploaded firmware (save settings) from laptop. Then got a WAN connection and re-installed tunnel. Finally re-installed MeshChat from laptop. All running fine. (*) I understand the concerns about running MeshChat on the node itself. SUCCESS.
B) TP-LINK CPE210v2: from; had tunnel installed (I think) but not active nor enabled; had MeshChat v1.02 installed(*) - no problems, ran well, but not a currently active node. Used the same basic steps as above however somehow got into flail mode. Now getting all sorts of error messages (no space, read-only, etc) even after re-installing 692 a second time, that time without saved settings. Is there a way to get a clean install and clean file system with 692? Should I attempt to go back to I'm confused and very sorry I got into flail mode with this. It's running 692 and communicating with others, but I can no longer even save settings from the GUI ... PILOT-ERROR = FAILURE.
While doing this, had some problems attempting to use the WAN connection thru my MikroTik hAP - seems like it doesn't like to reboot when there is a physical LAN connection present - will be using a dumb switch between LAN port and MikroTik later to see if this makes a difference. It was using a pretty custom set of settings and active tunnel (but not MeshChat).
I was going to also update the firmware in my CPE220v3, but with the CPE210 failure I'm holding off on that. Also, with the MikroTik being so difficult to initially flash over and with its current reboot issues, I'm going to leave it at 572.
I have a CPE510, new in the box, which I will put the Nightly Build on after I get the CPE210 back to a non-crippled state.
Sorry to sound like a stupid end user, but I hope my feedback helps.
- Don - AA7AU
ps: with all due respect, I would prefer to get help that doesn't include the suggestion to run MeshChat on a separate PI install.
pps: is there a difference between using the "Install Tunnel" options from the menu tunnel buttons and just installing the VTUN package from the admin page?
ppps: Thank you very much for all that you do!
Thanks for the clarification on installation on tunnels. I suspected as much and it's now good to know this for certain. It is also a good point to remember when upgrading to Nightly Builds to be sure to grab the then latest Tunnel package that cycle.
I really appreciate being able to connect to my mesh island up in Idaho for tech support and general check-in when I'm not there. It is an excellent feature, thank you for making it happen.
All the best,
- Don - AA7AU
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 4608 4608 0 100% /rom
tmpfs 30480 432 30048 1% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock5 1280 1208 72 94% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay 1280 1208 72 94% /
tmpfs 512 0 512 0% /dev
Looks like there may be insufficient flash space of only 72k remaining to save settings and add more packages. The firmware factory file system is in /rom and any changes you make, delta changes, are stored in the overlay on a flash partition at /dev/mtdblock5. this only has total space remaining on flash of 1.2M (on this device) for the overlay -- all packages, settings saved, meshchat messages, etc. You can individually save settings, install a package, etc. and check the before after size with this "df" command. This will give you an idea of what each thing consumes. Then figure out what is important to you that can be installed and not exceed the 1.2M.
All intermediate files/changes of the node's program's should use RAM in memory in /tmp and not temporarily take up Flash space. 'should' is the key word here. Since many programs come upstream and are not developed on embedded devices, one always wonders if this is always the case.
Both running well.
#705 installed and running on older ns loco m2 xm. Will be doing field testing tomorrow connecting with nodes on legacy builds.
Mikrotik hap lite RB952ui-5ac2nd running with tunnel. I did notice that it rebooted 3 times during the firmware update and the tunnel install was about 4 minuets but everything looks good so far. No tunnel Clients or Server users are installed.