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Mikrotik HAP ac lite 5.8 AP Config Gone

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K0PHP's picture
Mikrotik HAP ac lite 5.8 AP Config Gone
The nightly build I had been running was working perfectly, 2.4 on channel -2 10MHz mesh and the 5.8 on channel 146 as an access point for part 15. I updated the firmware to the latest stable build today, current version: and now the 5.8 LAN AP enable option is gone. The setup box is identical to what I see with the TP Link CPE-210 now. What other information would be useful?
K5DLQ's picture
That is expected as the
That is expected as the nightly builds have additional features since the release.
K0PHP's picture
When I tried to upload the
When I tried to upload the nightly build through administration, the upload button never becomes active. Is the only way to roll back to the nightly build by doing the whole .efl and .bin process?
w6bi's picture
Tunnels active?
Typically the Upload button is greyed out when tunnels are enabled. Try disabling them and see if it becomes active.
K0PHP's picture
That was it. Thank you for
That was it. Thank you for the tip. I remember reading that, but it didn't occur to me.
W2TTT's picture
Mikrotik HAP ac lite AREDN mesh and AP Modes
Hi Folks!
Just observed that at channel -2 and 5 MHz bandwidth that it will mesh with a co-located Nanostation, but a couple of Rockets and Airgrids that saw the Nanostation, didn't see the Mikrotik and visa versa at 40 ft distant.
Mark, N2MH mentioned that this seems to be heat related.  This raised the broader question of how we can use the Wi-Fi radios.
Is there any thought about having each radio configurable as an AP, an AREDN node, a Wi-Fi client or off?

These would be ideal options.
Gordon Beattie W2TTT
AE6XE's picture
Gordon,  The nightly build
Gordon,  The nightly build has both 2GHz and 5GHz AP options.    The WI-Fi client option is doable and in consideration.  For the moment I'm looking at porting 802.11ac wireless cards to do the part 97 channels, which is needed to make the 5GHz do mesh RF on the hap ac lite.   
W2TTT's picture
the Nightly Build
Joe, Thanks! I understand the task of porting AREDN to 802.11ac hardware. In the meantime, I will turn on and off the POE/dtd port to run an external device such as a Nano. The AP should be fine for 2.4 or 5 GHz as is. I plan on having car and backpack mesh nodes with a cell modem and an RPi supported by a Bioenno battery for mobile and portable use. Two other questions: 1. Any thought of setting up a second, non- POE dtd port in place of a 3rd LAN port? 2. Any thought of using the 2.4 or 5 GHz Wi-Fi radios as a network client? Thanks again for all your great work! 73, Gordon
AE6XE's picture
1. second non-POE dtd port on
1. second non-POE dtd port on hAP ac lite:    hasn't been on the list, but let's add it.
2. wifi client option for WAN:  ditto.  

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