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Potential product
In looking for suitable hardware that might be usable for an AREDN-MESH station, either fixed (base) or mobile (portable), I found these items looking at the Staples web site (  
VTech® VSP735 ErisTerminal™ SIP Feature Deskset
Ubiquiti™ Networks™ airMAX® 900 MHz High-Gain Yagi Antenna With
Rocket Kit, 16 dBi

The first item is a desk telephone that looks like the Cisco model that can be modified to be usable on these networks.  The second item is a WiFi antenna that shows a working frequency range of 902 -- 928 MHz.  My question is could these items be easily used in, or with, an AREDN-MESH network?
Thank you.
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K6AH's picture
Not the way to select equipment for an AREDN Mesh network...

That's generally not the way to select equipment for an AREDN Mesh network.  Rater, first find out what others are using in your area.  I would not recommend 900 MHz due to the large Fresnel zones [ ] and the limited spectrum available in the 900 MHZ US ham band.  Also, I have not heard of many (any) who have successfully built a network on 900 MHz, but I have sure heard of people having tried and failed.  Go with 5 GHz if you're the first to setup a node.  That'll give you the most flexibility and greatest chance of long-term success.

Andre, K6AH

K9CQB's picture
We're only using Ubiquiti M900s for links with trees
Andre is correct.
For example in Northern Virginia (NoVa-Mesh) we have a 2.4/5GHz hybrid network and wherever we bring a 2.4GHz link to a 5GHz link, we must connect them with a DtD device.
We also plan on at least 2 links that run Ubiquiti M900 nodes (both sides of the link will have a 2x2 MIMO yagi pointing at each other). These are for short distances through lightly wooded areas where you really need a node but the trees are in the way. And they still require a DtD device (Netgear GS105E) to connect them to the 5GHz core network. 
Not the way to select equipment for an AREDN Mesh network...
One of the main reasons for looking at the items listed is the cost for each of the items and the usability, or location of towers/repeaters.  Both of the items listed are relatively inexpensive.  The antenna listed showed an operating frequency range in the 900 to 908 MHz range.  Within 10 miles from my house is another amateur operator that has a tower on which he has installed, and leases, commercial band and public service repeaters.  He also has at least three amateur band repeaters on the tower: 2 meter, 70 cm, and 33 cm or the 902.0 to 928.0 MHz range.  I have listened to that repeater some, but have not heard many other operators using it and I do not know the coverage he has at that frequency.  The general area where I live is not flat land, there are hills all around the area.  These were some of the considerations used in selecting those items.
900MHz range...
There is 900MHz band group out there...

Range wise...  can't compare the much higher sensitive receiver and the more powerful transmitter of a relatively "narrow" FM repeater to a 5MHz wide data radio, unless, you can achieve, not just clear line of sight but also clear the Fresnel Zone at that distance.

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