Given the latest nightly build running on a Mikrotik router with excellent connections to the mesh network and wide bandwidth to the Internet, what's the practical limit on the number of tunnels it can serve?
Orv W6BI
Orv W6BI
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I don't think you will find a core team member that's excited enough about tunnels to care. We don't recommend running more than 1 or a few due to lingering memory issues.
To add another personal opinion, I think tunnels give all of us network operators a false sense of confidence that what they have built will work during a disaster.
Andre, K6AH
Andre, we're fully aware that tunnels are not to be depended upon, as the Internet can go away without notice. That being said, we have a LOT of territory that's not yet covered by mesh RF. By allowing new users to get engaged in mesh networking, it gives them a feel for what's possible with ham networking and more importantly, impetus to find RF solutions for their network access.
Orv W6BI
As far as limits, I think it primarily depends on how may nodes are on the overall mesh. So the answer is... it depends. You have to try it, measure, and monitor.