Looking to replace dinosaur routers on ROIP station. Any suggestions.
remote rig
old linksys 54g
it uses Two nodes (1) base unit in go box and (2) remote head.
73 de mike
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Works great
Denis KD1HA
The remote rig modules (www.remoterig.com) handle ROIP . The radio is treated like voip phone making a sip call. Set the two ends on the net, and it is like a very long connecting cable ( body to control head)
remote rig function with almost any radio. This unit is great to deploy. If you are connected to the internet works just like sitting in your shack.
i have a mfj mic switch for the head unit, that lets me switch from voice to digital. The old 54g unit were a perfect fit for the iportable (www.iportableus.com) go box.
The 54g is running the old mesh software and simply connect via WiFi.
Denis KD1HA
have one on the way. The old 54g setup had external antennas..
the remote rig supports WiFi.
I will I’ll kick the tires and report back.