Not MESH but almost as awesome! de WA7NWP
HamWAN is a non-profit organization (501c3) developing best practices for high speed amateur radio data networks. HamWAN also runs the Puget Sound Data Ring, which is a real-world network implementation of the proposed designs.
Just in start up mode and getting accustomed to Ubiquiti devices and setup using AREDN . Have several 2.4 bullets, Nanostations and a Power Beam running on channel -2 now as we just yesterday abandoned BBHN on the standard wifi channel 1. We are proposing a system to our county emergency management that would link Sequim emergency facilities, i.e., police, fire, city hall, and Red Cross to Port Angeles emergency facilities and then west (Phase 2) to Forks via mountain top locations at Striped Peak and Mt Ellis. In the future (Phase 3) we would like to investigate a link with the HamWan
The YARBMN is a group of amateur radio operators in the Yakima Valley are who are interested in setting up and expanding the HSMM Mesh Network for emergency communications and high speed data transfer, including VOIP, video, messaging and other networking tasks. Since we are using Amateur Radio Frequencies, at least Technician class FCC license is required.
I have a Rocket M2 and 120-degree antenna with ancillaries available for local pick up in the Seattle area. I bought it with the intention of getting involved in AREDN but simply don't have the time. Text me at 425-785-4556 if you are interested.
I just discovered the AREDN mesh system and I'm exploring the possibility to setting up a node in the Spokane Valley but have some reservations. First off I looked at the official AREDN map for the area (Spokane County) and see 3 nodes, one of which is 5G and within 3.5km of my location, the others are 2G and probably too far away and not line of sight for me. Viewing the node information via the map doesn't display much information, should be enough to get connected but not much more.
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