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Searching for cost effective Gateway - advice needed

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W4DCE's picture
Searching for cost effective Gateway - advice needed
I'm searching for a cost effective (or lowest price) for a single node that I can use as a gateway to a home router.  I'm using several Bullet's, M2's, M5's, AiirRouter HP's and a couple AirGateways and 2 M900's.  I'm looking for the absolute simplest lowest cost device to use as a gateway to a home router and connect a relatively short distance to the nearest node (~100 feet) which is on 2.4 Ghz.   I don't think the home router supports VLAN.  It sounds like most of the UBNT devices that have one Ethernet port require a VLAN capable router to get a WAN connection -- which obviously bumps up the cost.  I generally try to stick with the UBNT HW but wonder if the TP-LINK CP210 with 2 Ethernet Ports would be a good option.  My next consideration seems to be the AirRouter (including HP), but I'd prefer to use Hardware that I can use Outdoor.  

Thanks for any advice provided.
K5DLQ's picture
AirRouter HP
AirRouter HP
k1ky's picture
AirRouter HP or AR
Ditto Darryll's comment.  The TP-Link CPE series suffers the same issue as the Nanostation XW models in that the 2nd port is the DTD port AND it will NOT back-feed power to the first port (without modification) thus you would need 2 runs of cable to that unit.  Besides, you probably can't beat the price of the AirRouter models.  The ARAR is around $38.00, but I would go with the HP for the increased power output.  Why does it need to be outdoors?
W4DCE's picture
Thank you K5DLQ and K1KY.  It
Thank you K5DLQ and K1KY.  It does not have to be outside.  I appreciate your advice.  
Our local area Aredn network
Our local area Aredn network is on Channel 1. So I use a HSMM-Pi to link my home router (Sophos) to my Aredn node. If our local Aredn network changes to a different channel outside of the range of the HSMM-Pi. Then I'll use two of the HSMM-Pi

"Just food for thought".


Sophos UTM Home Edition
K5DLQ's picture
I understand what you are
I understand what you are doing, but, keep in mind...  You are adding 2 additional routes to the mesh (that must be propagated and maintained by ALL nodes) by doing the double-pi technique.
just an fyi....
Yep your right. If I need the
Yep your right. If I need the two Pi's then I use them as a wireless bridge. So they won't be on the Aredn network.

W4DCE's picture
DTD Link to the Pi
I've been convinced by the prior replies that the AirRouter is probably the lowest cost solution for a Gateway.  ....and I really like having a few Pi's in the Mesh.  I like the idea of using CH-2.  As far as I know the Pi's won't go there.  But I'm interested to know if a Pi can be DTD linked, then offer CH 1+ to other Pi's.
K5DLQ's picture
Pi's are perfect *LAN*
Pi's are perfect *LAN* devices on the mesh. 

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