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Randy WU2S

Randy became interested in amateur radio after several years of shortwave radio listening in the 1980s. He passed his Advanced class test in 1989 and received the callsign N2JOC. Several years later he upgraded to Extra as WU2S.

Now joyfully retired from a lifetime of computer-related work since 1964, Randy has the time to pursue various interests. He became involved with mesh networking using Broadband-Hamnet on Linksys routers in 2013 and contributed to the testing of version 1.01 on Ubiquiti equipment at the end of that year. He later wrote detailed installation instructions for the firmware.

His activities with mesh networking include participating in a number of local events where capabilities for Voice-over-IP, text messaging and video surveillance are demonstrated to public officials. Randy continues to test new versions of AREDN firmware on a wide variety of gear. He keeps the amateur radio community in his area informed about AREDN developments through personal contact and presentations. He deployed and maintains AREDN nodes on the Fair Lawn Amateur Radio Club site on the 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands.

At the beginning of 2015, Randy volunteered to design and build the AREDN website. Since then, he continues to maintain it with Darryl K5DLQ. Randy actively supports the AREDN project team with graphic arts, financial assistance and marketing. In 2018, along with Andre and Darryl, he established AREDN Inc., a non-profit corporation formed to ensure the longevity of the AREDN project.

Randy, his wife, Chris, and their micro St. Bernard dog.recently relocated to Northbrook, Illinois near where they both grew up.  In his role as Grandpere, he aids and abets Chris in her pursuit of spoiling their six grandchildren rotten.


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