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Mikrotik NetMetal 5 AREDN Package?

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Mikrotik NetMetal 5 AREDN Package?
Good Afternoon, All.

I have a new NetMetal 5 in my hot little hands but seem to be unable to locate the AREDN package for it.  The Supported Devices List shows:

Searching within the normal AREDN package process ( does not produce any results.

Any suggestions as to where to locate and download the package?

Thank you.

w6bi's picture
If you go to Download Software and put in MikroTik RouterBOARD 922UAGS-5HPacD, you'll find them.   Guess NetMetal is a marketing thing...

Orv W6BI
Thank you, Orv.
Thank you, Orv.

I'll get right on it.

Is this Netmetal 5 supposed
Is this Netmetal 5 supposed to be a Mikrotik update of the BaseBox 5?

What is the USB used for?  I can understand the fibre port ... except that you can't power the device from fibre.  Do you have to use the ethernet AND the fibre ports at the same time?


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