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Is the "Old UI" button gone?

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Is the "Old UI" button gone?
Sorry to be a little lazy, I could probably find the answer somewhere on the Aredn site.  I noticed that the newer firmware updates no longer have a button to invoke the old user interface on the node status page.  At least this is the case with my recent updates of Mikrotik SXTs.  Is there a similar button somewhere in the new UI?  I will eventually learn the new UI, but I would like to do that on my schedule.  73, Lee  KF7YRS
nc8q's picture
Old UI is gone in recent nightlies.
Hi, Lee The old UI is no longer in the recent nightlife. 73, Chuck
Thanks Chuck!
Thanks Chuck, I really appreciate your help.  It seems that since the LA fires, things mesh have gotten very busy around here.  

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