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Nightly Build Update 01 December 2024

Nightly Build Update 01 December 2024

Now that we’re about halfway to the next production release, here’s an update on where the AREDN software is at. Since the last production release there have been almost 100 changes to the AREDN codebase. There are improvements both to the new UI and the backend processes, some small and some significant. Here are the changes that may be of interest. Note that the old UI has been deprecated and removed from the code.
Testing Highlights
Testing of these features would be very welcome:
  • Mobile UI. The AREDN UI is finally mobile friendly. But the developers only have a few phones, so more testing or more different phones would be a great help.
  • Backup & Restore. You can now backup and restore device configurations.
  • LAN NAT & 44NET modes. You can now use ARDC's 44net subnets as a device’s LAN addresses. We’ve also improved LAN NAT to support larger address ranges.
  • New Mikrotik AC device firmware. The radio firmware for Mikrotik firmware has been updated. As this is a binary blob we don't have good visibility into how well it works in real world configurations.
Changes, Improvements and Bug fixes
Underlined numbers are the PR numbers in the GitHub repository, in case you're interested in specific details.
  • Added mobile wifi tools  #1691 2024-11-14 
  • Added some mobile tools #1690 2024-11-14
  • Enabled alternate LAN configurations (44net) #1548 2024-10-26
  • Provided 44net route override #1703 2024-11-19 
  • Added the ability to backup and restore node configurations #1597  2024-10-09 
  • Sped up commits #1721  2024-11-27 
  • Gave high contrast theme wider dialogs (now we support that) #1716  2024-11-22 
  • Improved display of blocked neighbors #1709  2024-11-20 
  • Provided proxy and redirect for problematic services #1699  2024-11-18 
  • Added command line tool to generate support data #1695  2024-11-16 
  • Made tunnel server name optional if you have no server tunnels #1688  2024-11-14 
  • Now support pasting lat,lon coordinates into either lat or lon map field #1687  2024-11-13 
  • Now allow packages to be removed on low memory nodes. #1684  2024-11-12 
  • Improved which local devices and service we show when logged out, or logged in. #1682  2024-11-08 
  • Now support Y.X style radio heights #1673  2024-11-04 
  • Now filter LAN name from node hosts #1669 2024-11-03 
  • Added pseudo services for Local Devices #1665  2024-11-01 
  • Now provide UI for the wifi watchdog system. #1655  2024-10-27 
  • Improved tunnel messaging #1648  2024-10-26 
  • Added Tupavco antenna #1646  2024-10-24 
  • Now allow “:” in service names #1638 2024-10-17 
  • Added topology info to sysinfo.json (for mapping programs) #1637  2024-10-17 
  • Improved startup of LQM so we get some information earlier #1632  2024-10-17 
  • Now support wider channels (experimental) #1631  2024-10-16 
  • Added VHT (Very High Throughput) support to 802.11ac devices (experimental) #1630  2024-10-14 
  • Improved detection of disconnected nodes #1617 2024-10-11 
  • Periodically sync time if continuous ntpd is unsynchronized #1611 2024-10-09 
  • Added date and time to ends of various tool traces #1610  2024-10-09 
  • Now Allow '-' in service name or non-service text #1608  2024-10-09 
  • Split the Wifi Signal gauge to show the local and remote signal information #1602  2024-10-09 
  • Decimate (prune) the neighbor graph data so we can show more history #1598  2024-10-09 
  • Added secondary ntp server option #1583 2024-10-09 
  • Now allow scanning of non-mesh and multiple wifi devices #1578  2024-10-09 
The AREDN team

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