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Why not 2 mesh radios in 1 device?

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Why not 2 mesh radios in 1 device?
Is there an insurmountable technical obstacle that prevents a two radio device from having both radios in ad hoc (mesh) mode at the same time?

I have a whole, whole bunch of dual-radio devices (2.4 and 5.8 GHz).

I noticed that the setup UIs don't allow both radios to be configured for mesh.  I also watched a Youtube video introducing the new UI in which the presenter, just in passing, said something like "... as always, the 2 radios cannot be configured to have the same function".

I've read the NETWORK DESIGN GUIDE in the Docs and found no mention of this mutual exclusion.  It seems like a natural function for a two-radio device to join two mesh neighbors on different bands (2.4 and 5.8) and bridge between them.  In some cases it could be just that - a bridge that extends a mesh cell further or into a valley or whatnot.  One radio could have a PtP link and the other offering local mesh coverage.  My devices also have an Ethernet port, so each could offer local wired connectivity to a site.



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