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Grandstream 2160 will not get correct date/time from AREDN node NTP server

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Grandstream 2160 will not get correct date/time from AREDN node NTP server
I recently added the package whereandwhen to my AREDN node and connected a GPS antenna to it.  It pulls the position, time, and date just fine.  I added the ntp service to the list of advertised services.  I have a Grandstream 2160 VOIP phone that will not get correct date/time from AREDN node NTP server.  I have successfully retrieved time/date info from with the phone while connected to the WAN, so I know that it is capable of retrieving and applying it.  I've also set up DHCP option #42 on the AREDN node and populated it with the IP value of the AREDN node.  I have set both the primary and secondary ntp_server IP addresses in the phone to the IP of the AREDN node and also checked the box allowing the DHCP option #42 to override the primary and secondary ntp server addresses.  I've also tried about every known combination of these settings to get it to pull date/time info from the AREDN node while disconnected from the WAN.  I've searched the relvant forums here, but did not find any similar issue.  I have also read through the Node Admin Guide as well as the Grandstream DHCP Options Guide and the Grandstream GXP2160 Administration Guide.  With all of that said, I'm at a loss for why this isn't working.  Am I correct in thinking that a VOIP phone should be able to pull time/date info from an AREDN node using GPS for location/time/date information from the GPS antenna if it is set up as a NTP server?  I'm including relevant screen images in a Word document attachment for reference.

File Attachment: 

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