You are here admin page Fails for VLAN networks

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k6dlc's picture admin page Fails for VLAN networks
DO not installed version if you are using VLANS in your network. The problem is that if your web brower is on the same sub net the web interface works with no problems. However if your web browsers is on a separate VLAN network and connecting to the same node, IE 192.168.3.x you will not see the same web interface .Someone who did a the testing verification did not check this. 
 There is a person I know of who is very vocal don't believe having vlans.  

 If you are NOT using vlans by all menas do the upgrade
K6CCC's picture
Please explain what you are
Please explain what you are trying to do with VLANs.  They work just fine with the new UI.  Damn near everything in my network in on VLANs.
Your statement (if I understood what you are doing) tells me that you don't understand how to use VLANs.  But you gave very little information, so I may be mis-understanding what you are doing

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