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Map not shown in the Basic setup page

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AC2OG's picture
Map not shown in the Basic setup page
Hello everybody,
what can I do to make the map to be displayed again on the basic setup page? Only a gray dot is displayed as in the attached doc.
Shall I make some modifications to the map setting in the advanced configuration?
Thanks for your help.
73 de Leo I3RKE/AC2OG
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AC2OG's picture
Hi Chuck,
nice to hear from you and thanks for your reply. I have a MikroTik LHG-5HPnd-XL running v.
I also tried to change the map tiles server address without success. Could it be due to a problem with my computer?
73 Leo
nc8q's picture
Map source URL changed before

Hi, Leo:

It looks like a URL was changed and it was updated in version

It seems that upgrading to current stable will fix this.

73, Chuck
AC2OG's picture
Map source changed
Thanks Chuck!
73, Leo

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