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Ubiquiti PBE-5AC-GEN2 Firmware Invalid Version

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Ubiquiti PBE-5AC-GEN2 Firmware Invalid Version
scp aredn- admin@
aredn-           100% 5697KB   1.6MB/s   00:03

C:\>ssh admin@
 ___  ___
|\  \|\  \      Welcome to airOS
\ \  \\\  \
 \ \  \\\  \    PRODUCT: PowerBeam 5AC
  \ \  \\\  \   MAC: E43883ACC6C1
   \ \_______\
    \|_______|  VERSION: WA.v8.7.4.45112

WA# hexdump -Cv /bin/ubntbox | sed 's/14 40 fe 27/00 00 00 00/g' | hexdump -R > /tmp/fwupdate.real
WA# chmod +x /tmp/fwupdate.real
WA# /tmp/fwupdate.real -m /tmp/factory.bin

Invalid version 'WA.ar934x.v8.5.3-42.AREDN-r23809-234f1a2efa'

Will not install the PowerBeam 5AC Gen2 version.

Pull #14622 seems relevant.

scp aredn- admin@
aredn-           100% 5697KB   2.1MB/s   00:02
WA# hexdump -Cv /bin/ubntbox | sed 's/14 40 fe 27/00 00 00 00/g' | hexdump -R > /tmp/fwupdate.real
WA# chmod +x /tmp/fwupdate.real
WA# /tmp/fwupdate.real -m /tmp/factory.bin
Writing 'kernel        ' to /dev/mtd2(kernel        ) ...  [%100]
Writing 'rootfs         ' to /dev/mtd3(rootfs         ) ...  [%100]

Will not boot the LiteBeam 5AC Gen2 version.

This is being resolved with Bug#1360. 
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