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Tunnel Parameters Confusion

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Tunnel Parameters Confusion
Is there some reason that the parameters that define WireGuard Tunnels have different
names on the Tunnel Server side and on the Tunnel Client side? 
Server side has
   Tunnel Server DNS Name
   Client    (why have two parameters with same name?)
Client side has

We are building a WG Tunnel Mesh Island locally, and this has caused all of us
difficulties until we had done it at least once.

It seems like the following names would be easier to understand.
SERVER SIDE                   CLIENT SIDE
Tunnel Server DNS Name    Tunnel Server DNS Name
Client                                 <not used here>
Key                                   Key
Network                             Network

--Tim  K5RA
K6CCC's picture
As far as the difference
As far as the difference between "Key" and "Pwd", that is more a leftover from non-WireGuard tunnels.  The client only has the one field that in the older tunnels was simply a password.  In a WireGuard tunnel that field is the key for an encryption algorithm.  So the server end correctly identifies that field as a password on the older legacy tunnels and a key on WireGuard tunnels.  Since the same field is used on the Client setup page for the paasword (legacy tunnels) or key (Wireguard tunnels) the old name stuck around.  Eventually when the old legacy tunnels go away, the field name on the client page will presumaby be changed to Key instead of PWD.
Deleted Reply
For the record, there was a reply in this thread from AB7PA that resulted in GitHub DR #1255 to change the wording of one entry in the WireGuard Tunnel Server window.  Not sure why it was pulled. 

--Tim K5RA
K6CCC's picture
I can confirm that Nightly
I can confirm that Nightly Build 20240806 on the Tunnel Server page, the IP address field that used to have the second "Client" label" is now labeled "Net".
nc8q's picture
Not sure why it was pulled.
Hi, Tim:
That issue's fix was 'pulled' off of the 'request' shelf and
'pushed' onto the Nightly Build shelf which then was
included in the following morning's Nightly Build releases.
73, Chuck


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