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Error loading mikrotik rotorboard LHG 5HPnd XL with device match failed

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Error loading mikrotik rotorboard LHG 5HPnd XL with device match failed
I just got the "MikroTik LHG XL HP5 (4-pack) Antenna" and when I try to load the Aredn firmware I get the message.
Firmware CANNOT be updated
firmware file is not valid: firmware device match failed

version Hardware Type: ath79/milrotik) mikrotik (roterboard-lhg-5hpnd-xl)

Out of the 4 dishes I got one to load the other 3 give me this message. I have load a lot of these deshes and never had a problem with the Aredn installation guide. Can someone help on getting the mikrotik deshes loaded.
nc8q's picture
Firmware CANNOT be updated
Maybe try to upgrade or downgrade the Router-OS, then load AREDN firmware.73, Chuck


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