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Can't listen to voicemail on the extension that has a message

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N5MXI's picture
Can't listen to voicemail on the extension that has a message
I am running Incredible PBX on a Raspberry Pi 4

I am having trouble listening to voicemail messages on the local extension my VM box is associated with.
When I dial *97 and enter my password, I get the usual prompts: 1 to listen to vm, etc.…. If I press 1 or any other of the options nothing happens. The key press does not even register in the “Asterisk Logfile”.

When I dial from a remote extension to access my voicemail, I dial *98 + ext# of VM and enter my password, I get the usual prompts: 1 to listen to vm, etc.…. Everything works fine without issue.

What is going on with accessing VM from the local extension? Why are the key press being ignored?  Hope this all makes since.

Thanks for any suggestions.
This is almost certainly the
This is almost certainly the DTMF signaling that is set for the extension. Most likely RFC2833 will work. Depends on the phone that you are using and what it supports for DTMF signaling. Just make sure you set the extension settings to correspond with what the phone supports.

At least that is my initial thought.

Gerard, WT0F
N5MXI's picture
I think I found where this setting is made however there is not an option for RFC2833. It is currently set on RFC 4733. Could you please tell me how to add/change to RFC2833?

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N5MXI's picture
I changed the setting to
I changed the setting to "Auto" instead of RFC4733 and it seems to be working now.
I am not familure with
I am not familure with RFC4733. Maybe it is a chan_pjsip driver related RFC.  I am only running chan_sip as everytime I have tried to use chan_pjsip, things have ended in disaster. I have never found anything definitive as to the difference between chan_sip and chan_pjsip other than that chan_pjsip is newer and chan_sip is deprecated.

Gerard, WT0F
nc8q's picture
I am only running chan_sip as everytime I have tried to use chan
"I am only running chan_sip as everytime I have tried to use chan_pjsip, things have ended in disaster."

Me too.

nc8q's picture

Settings-->Advanced Settings-->Device Settings-->SIP DTMF Signaling
Hover of the '?' and see a reference to RFC-4733
I hope this helps.

73, Chuck


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