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Need assistance upgrading Mikrotik QRT-5 from to

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Need assistance upgrading Mikrotik QRT-5 from to

Hello AREDN folk,

I apologise if this has been asked before (I'm sure it has) but understand there is a problem upgrading from to on some Mikrotik devices. In my case, a QRT-5 (model Mikrotik RouterBOARD RB911G-5HPnD). I've heard somewhere that the device doesn't ID itself correctly during this upgrade and thus the process is aborted. I've also heard that there is a (dangerous) package that will solve this identity crisis - but cannot find it.

Any help much appreciated and thanks in advance.

Andrew - N1ACW

K6CCC's picture
I've also heard that there is

I've also heard that there is a (dangerous) package that will solve this identity crisis - but cannot find it.

That was added only a few months ago, so you likely don't have it yet.  It's near the bottom of the Advanced Config page - if you have it.
Can't help you on the ID problem.  I have seen it on a LHG-5nD that insisted that it was a LHG-5HPnD after one upgrade and until the dangerous package setting came along, I had to use the 5HPnD firmware for several nightly updates until I could set the dangerous package and "force" it to take the corrrect firmware.

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