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MeshChat Download Feature

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MeshChat Download Feature


I'm pleased with MeshChat 2.8 and glad it fixed the issues we were having in Oregon.  I have a question/request for MeshChat ... there is a download messages feature that gives a text file of all the stored messages.  Nice.  However there are two fields I don't understand at the start of each line, an example is

31d0c115    1685228883       then all the message text from here is clear to understand

I don't know what these two columns represent, and it would be super helpful to have a date/time stamp of the messages on each line so we can have a record in case of disaster use.  I know the date and time are in the database as they show up in the actual meshchat screen, are they embedded somehow in these two columns or can this time/date information be added to each report line in a future version of meshchat?

Thanks ... Ed  K7EOK

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