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blocking internet through mesh?

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k0tan's picture
blocking internet through mesh?

On my Windows machine, which I use for most everything, I have two Ethernet ports. One goes to my ISP router, the other to my Mesh switch. Usually it's fine, but now and again the ISP hickups and I discover internet traffic is flowing through the mesh, maybe through my PowerBeam and another node here - or through the tunnel. Is there a way I can prevent this?

ke6bxt's picture
Om the Basic Prevent Setup
Om the Basic Prevent Setup page, select "Prevent LAN devices from accessing WAN": Normally any devices connected to the node's LAN network will also have access to its WAN. Enabling this option will cause the node not to give LAN devices access to the WAN. This means that computers on this node's LAN will only use the and mesh network ranges. With this setting enabled you will not be able to access the Internet, even if your node has Internet available on its WAN port. This also applies to Internet available over the mesh. Use this only if your node needs to be connected to two networks at once, such as wired to the mesh as well as WiFi to a local served agency network.
k0tan's picture

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