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Informal survey on operator's use of the node's web interface

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Informal survey on operator's use of the node's web interface

This information would help to provide guidance in developing the new UI.

What the top 3 (or 5 at most) tasks that prompt you as an operator to use a node’s web interface?

Please keep responses short and concise, no more than a few words to a sentence for each item.


K6CCC's picture
Here you go
1)  Check status of "normal" connections.
2)  Firmware updates (I install almost every nightly build).
3)  Verify DHCP assignments
4)  Change advertised services

KG7LMI's picture
Re:Informal survey on operator's use of the node's web interface
1. Monitor/check mesh status
2. Monitor/check  node status 
3. Administration - firmware updates usually, sometimes packages

The above is once the node is set up and operational, obviously.

If I could make one request for a feature in a new UI it would be to have all of the destination pages listed, say on the left, so you don't have to navigate to one page to get to another, e.g. node status to get to mesh status, setup to get to administration, etc. The current hierarchy is logical, but once you know what all the pages are it just adds an extra step. This is not a big deal, but I think it would be a sensible refinement. The way the documentation is organized in the page is a good example.

73, Rob KG7LMI
Re:Informal survey on operator's use of the node's web interfac
1. Check node's status
2. Check mesh performance status, by whether and how quickly the node page loads
3. Check the mesh status to ensure expected nodes are connected and to see if any new nodes have connected
4. Spot-check the SNR of connected nodes (done less frequently for established node links)
5. Check what channel remote nodes are on for adding nodes to mesh
6. Perusing the mesh status page to see what services are out there including to get ideas on what services I might want to add
KF7BWS's picture
Re:Informal survey on operator's use of the node's web interfac
1) Check Mesh Status, (would like to be able to sort by Call Sign)
2) DHCP Services (with description of service, not just name of service) and leases
3) Performance graphs
4) Save changes and reboot on main screen (node status).
5) Additional all the existing main screen (node status) selections and info.
K5DLQ's picture
Mesh status to view
  1. Mesh status to view connections
  2. browse services on the mesh
  3. LQM status

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