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New Paper on AREDN Published by TAPR


New Paper on AREDN Published by TAPR

The Proceedings of the 2015 Digital Communications Conference include a paper, The AREDN Project by Andre Hansen, K6AH, which introduces AREDN, describes implementation techniques and concludes with a roadmap for the future.


Mesh technology has been around for ten years or more. Over the past two years a team of developers has advanced the art by porting Broadband‐Hamnet’s extremely popular mesh firmware to the Ubiquiti airMAX line of commercial Wireless ISP routers and expanded its utility across a wide range of microwave bands. This has literally changed the complexion of mesh technology from an experimental, hobby‐oriented, novelty into a viable alternative network suitable for restoring some degree of Inter/intra‐net connectivity “when all else fails.”

In the midst of this work the AREDN Project was kicked off to focus development on taking this technology to the next level in EMCOMM communications.

This paper begins with an introduction to the AREDN Project and mesh networking and concludes with a roadmap for the Project’s future. It dives into implementation techniques and aggressive plans to implement across broad portions of the Southwestern US.

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