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Who says foliage is a problem :-)

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Who says foliage is a problem :-)

It's interesting to watch my 5Ghz signal as the tree right in front of my mesh node leafs out. The other node is an omni antenna on a hilltop about 2 miles away, where the yellow circle is in the photo. In the last few weeks the signal has gone down from about 25dB S/N to bouncing around between 23 and 17 dB as the wind moves the leaves around. Link speed is down from about 20 to about 10. My LQ stays at 100% but the NLQ reported by hilltop node varies between 100% and 85%. My node is a TPLink CPE-510. The signal is quite usable, just slower.

The tree is the only obstruction in the path. It will be interesting to see what happens as the summer progresses.


Re: Who says foliage is a problem :-) [picture]

Looks like I can only put one photo in a post, or post the same photo twice, so here is the "before" picture with the hilltop location circled.


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K6CCC's picture
Can't see the picture.
Can't see the picture.
Got to tell a funny story.  A decade or so ago I was setting up a demonstration at an ARRL National Convention in San Diego for the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services.  Part of the demo was a Ku band satellite trailer that we use for phone and network connectivity at oddball locations (usually fire camps).  The 8 foot dish is an offset fed dish so it is not really pointed where it looks like it is.  We get it all set up and the signal is not very good and cycling up and down.  To keep the story short, we were shooting right through the top of a palm tree that was swaying in the wind.  Had to move the trailer 15 feet or so to get the path to work right

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