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REST API - some nodes 'refuse connection'

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REST API - some nodes 'refuse connection'
I've created a short Python program to poll a list of nodes and retrieve the node information using the REST API.
It generates a somewhat-formatted text file. It's pretty crude at this stage but does work:
Nodes with:
Version 1.8 API seem to provide all the information.
Version 1.6 API provides partial information, but not link-info.
There is no API version number lower than 1.6 reported from a REST query of the local list.

A significant number of the nodes 'refuse connection'.  Is this dependent on:
1. A configuration setting on that node?
2. The software version installed on that node, or the API version on that node?
3. The specific node hardware?

Is there a table or other that provides a list of AREDN firmware versions vs. hardware type vs API Version?

-- Tom, N5EG

K5DLQ's picture
could be:
could be:
  1. node is not reachable - ETX too high
  2. node is not running AREDN (ie.  perhaps ancient BBHN software)
  3. node is not running a version of AREDN with the API (old)
  4. node is a RPi (running rogue OLSR)
  5. etc.

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