AREDN Alert Message (AAM) Refresh
The AREDN® development team may post messages which Internet-connected nodes can automatically download.
You can execute the aam.refresh action if you want your node to retrieve any new messages without having to wait for the next auto-refresh window.
Click the Execute button to trigger an immediate message retrieval. This will retrieve all alerts eligible for display on your node, whether they come from the AREDN® server over the Internet or from a local message source on your mesh network.
AREDN Alerts Local Path
When, exactly, is the 'auto-refresh window'?
Every ## seconds, minutes, hours?
Daily at 0001 UTC?
Can an AAM be 'pushed' externally, instead of 'pulled' by browsing and authenticating on the node and clicking a button?
I use a RPi NWS weather alert capture program (PIWXRX, Martin VE6VH) which 'pushes' NWS weather alerts to my
PBX (Meshphone, Mark N2MH) which I then decode to <node-names.txt> (currently hourly).
Different county lists to different node-name.txt based on common weather patterns.
I would like to be able to 'push' a weather alert to the AREDN Alert Banners on certain nodes within minutes instead of
waiting for an 'auto-refresh window'.
Link to a video explaining how to use them:
Many thanks for the video.
Automagically storing the last NWS alert broadcast.
Creating a banner.txt message based on certain counties for certain nodes every 9 minutes.
Nodes reload AAM file every 9 minutes.
Captured a flood warning today.
Thanks for all the good work and assistance.