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Extending San Francisco network to Half Moon Bay

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Extending San Francisco network to Half Moon Bay

Having just moved to Half Moon Bay, I was dismayed and somewhat alarmed when most Internet and even some cell phone services went down yesterday (Tuesday May 3rd) for over 8 hours.  Posters on the Nextdoor social network forum say such outages are common in this area due to the single fragile fiber link from Redwood City.  That problem suggests that extending the San Francisco AREDN  to HMB would be a very valuable contribution to the productively and safety of this community, in particular during fire seasons .  I have deployed a similar system to 70 previously unserved homes in rural Maui and see no technical challenges in delivering service if I could find a suitable relay site on the Peninsula's ridge line.  

Has anyone explored extending service to HMB and/or would be willing to work on such a project?



The SF Wireless Emergency
The SF Wireless Emergency Mesh doesn't extend much beyond the SF county line. There is a node in Brisbane, on the N side of the mountain.You might want to contact the SF group directly. Their isn't very active but they will respond to mail:

The AREDN mesh map shows a node in your area that was up last August, owned by KM6KDZ. You also might engage with clubs in San Mateo and Santa Clara county, I know Santa Clara has an active microwave network, but I don't think it's AREDN. I don't have any details, you might be able to get started at

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