Nightly Build #112 upgrades the code to the OpenWRT 19.07.7 foundation. I'm away from my shack right now, but upgraded a GL.iNet USB150 with tunneling and it works well on NB112. Thanks to the dev team for this Nightly Build.
Nightly Build #112 upgrades the code to the OpenWRT 19.07.7 foundation. I'm away from my shack right now, but upgraded a GL.iNet USB150 with tunneling and it works well on NB112. Thanks to the dev team for this Nightly Build.
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Orv W6BI
New building coming tonight will need testing.
One of the changes is we now correctly handle advanced config changes of paths across upgrades.
No more need to "reset to defaults" to correct the paths.
if the paths in AdvancedConfig start with "", the new code will reset them to their proper "default" values automatically for the release. If you have CUSTOMIZED the server portion of the paths, we will LEAVE THEM UNTOUCHED.
2 x hAP (both with tunnels)
2 x Rocket M5 XM (both with tunnels)
2 x Rocket M5 XW
4 x Rocket M3 XM
1 x LHG 5nD
1 x LHG 5HPnD XL
1 x LHG 2nD XL
1 x USB150 (with tunnel)
we have discovered an issue with this build (#138) (package paths are not set properly). investigating....
So far, no issues.