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AREDN Team Wins ARRL Award!

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K5DLQ's picture
AREDN Team Wins ARRL Award!

(from the homepage)

Members of the AREDN Project accept  the 2014 ARRL Microwave Development Award for the microwave mesh networking advancements they achieved as the development arm of Broadband-Hamnet™ in 2014. Dick Norton, N6AA, Director-ARRL Southwestern Division, presented the award at the ARRL 2015 Southwest Division Convention's evening banquet.

From left to right: Randy Smith, WU2S; Conrad Lara, KG6JEI; Andre Hansen, K6AH; and Joe Ayers, AE6XE (not pictured: Darryl Quinn, K5DLQ and Gordon Beattie, W2TTT).



AREDN Team Receives ARRL Microwave Development Award 2014



Congrats Andre -

Looking forward to meeting you at the Microwave Update in San Diego - October 15 to 18!


kg9dw's picture
Great job!

Well deserved!

Now get back to work and get the beta finished! laugh



Great to finally meet you at Torrance Hamfest after your meeting for the LA area.  I learned a bunch, enough that I am confident as to what to order from Ubiquity.  Hope to have something up in San Fernando valley in October even if it is just services and a Ham 2.4ghz uplink in my neighborhood.

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