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Global tunnel behavior?

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Global tunnel behavior?
So I finally was able to log into the global tunnel. It was a bit finicky on my end getting the access point to connect behind my router, but all is good now. My question is based in an observation I mad and was wondering if this is normal or if I still have a couple bugs to work out? When I connected my node directly to the modem I seen hundreds (nearly a thousand probably) OLSR total entries and my status was showing a couple hundred nodes, however many where broken links to services However when I got my node running behind my router I have 121 total entries and 32 nodes listing. Is there something that is not correct here?
Now back to normal. Listing 802 total OLSR,and 234 nodes. *Shrugs* Was there an issue today or was this my end?
There was a long OLSR "storm" yesterday afternoon and evening (Pacific time). The global tunnel was connected to the SoCal network so we saw it too. The symptoms are what you saw, an overload of links and big drop in node counts. Still an unknown cause/bug but the problem is a malformed OLSR broadcast packet being flooded out of control.

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