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getting started

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getting started

Is there a page that has how to get started?  I have a background in Linux but have never tried anything like this before.  Where does one get the source, and how does one build the binaries?  I assume something like gcc and make.  What is a good hardware platform to test with (the running enviironment, not the development)?


Good Morning,

Good Morning,

You may want to give this a read (and watch the presentation) to get a better idea of how the network works and is deployed:

The current up to date supported hardware list is under documentation:

NanoStations are a good 'starting' platform, though what hardware one will use for real world really does depend on the connection details.  Locally there is a high enough build up happening that Nanostations work great for end users, and more complex for the high level stations (sectors and rockets)  but  NanoStations are self contained and great starters and can work decent for field deployments if the connections can be made.

K5DLQ's picture
And check the software

And check the software downloads page for build.  No need to make/build yourself.

use the source

Actually I'd like to try compiling from source.  I used to do it way back in the 80's.

I suggest you click the "For

I suggest you click the "For Developers" menu

You will want to have OpenWRT building experience or research that ahead of time.

This is not your "make program" build routine, its your " build operating system image" build routine.

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