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Looking for Adjecent Node(s)

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Looking for Adjecent Node(s)
Hi, N3XKD here, I'm in Cinnaminson Township and I'm looking to connect a home AREDN node to any adjacent nodes via RF if possible.
Where and which band?

Where is Cinnaminson Township?  Which band does your node operate on?

It's in the lower west end of
It's in the lower west end of burlington county. My node is on 2.4G
N2MH's picture
Pockets of Activity

There's a small group on the air in north Jersey, mainly Bergen and Passaic counties. There's also some activity in Washington Twp, somewhat north of you.

I understand there is a group in the Philadelphia area as well as one in the Mullica Hill area (W2MMD).

Finally, there is an active group in Montgomery county, PA. You might be able to reach them with a high powered node, up high and in the clear. Contact W3EX for more info.

If you would like a tunnel into the norht Jersey group, I suggest you contact W2TTT or AL0Y.

Hope this helps.

73, Mark, N2MH
West Orange, NJ FN20ut


    Thanks, I was already in contact with the Montco folks. I'm just not in a great spot to hit them. I have recently got into contact with the folks in Mullica Hill. Still too far away, just trying to cast a wide net. Thanks for the info.


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